Honey bee a Psidium guajava flower. Flower buds leaf buds also visible. Common guava seedling, 14 months. Psidium guajava, common guava, [2] yellow guava, [2] lemon guava, [2] apple guava an evergreen shrub small tree native the Caribbean, Central America South America. [2] is easily pollinated insects; cultivated, is pollinated by common .
Read to grow guava tree faster containers ground, guava varieties, guava tree fertilizer how look your guava plant. Guava (Botanical : Psidium guajava) a tropical tree, producing sweet fruits are eaten a fruit used an ingredient drinks, smoothies desserts.
Discover rich flavors nutritional benefits tropical guava in home garden. Learn to cultivate lush trees shrubs a year-round supply delicious fruits. Ideal warm climates, guava thrives minimal care, preferring full sun well-drained, fertile soil. this guide, unlock secrets growing, pruning, harvesting own guava .
Die Echte Guave ist ein immergrüner Baum mit ausladender Krone oder ein Strauch, der Wuchshöhen zwischen 6 und 13 Meter erreicht. Die Borke ist glatt, von rötlich-brauner bis gräulicher Farbe und sie blättert Streifen oder Stücken ab. Die kantigen Zweige stehen abgewinkelt und sind leicht behaart. Blüte
Guava a small tropical tree grows 5-6 meters high average, if properly pruned does exceed height 3 meters. makes perfect growing containers. leaves born pairs a pale green color leathery texture. Fruit shape, size, color flesh skin depends the variety.Maturity observed the shell reaches yellowish .
Psidium guajava an evergreen Tree growing 10 (32ft) 10 (32ft) a medium rate. above USDA hardiness. is hardy UK zone 10. flowers pollinated Bees. plant self-fertile. is noted attracting wildlife. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) heavy (clay) soils, prefers well-drained soil can grow heavy clay soil.
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Echte Guave, eine tropische Pflanze mit aromatischen Früchten, Ihrem Garten kultivieren können. Lesen Sie Tipps zu Standort, Vermehrung, Ernte und Verwendung dieser exotischen Speisepflanze.
Fig. 12. P. guajava Bayabas Barangay San Francisco (flower buds) Fig. 13. Flor de Goiabeira. GOIABA - Guava, (P. guajava) Ceret São Paulo.Brazil Central America native tree Fig. 16. P. guajana flower flower buds Fig. 17. P. guajana flower habit Fruit
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die echte Guave (Psidium guajava) richtig gießen, düngen, überwintern und auswachsen. Die Pflanze ist ein exotisches Obst, das viele Früchte liefert, aber viel Wasser und Sonne braucht.
Called guayaba Spanish-speaking countries goiaba Brazil, guava a common shade tree shrub door-yard gardens the tropics. provides shade the guava fruits eaten fresh made drinks, ice cream, preserves. the richness the Amazon, guava fruits grow beyond size tennis balls well-branched trees shrubs reaching to 20 high.
Echte Guave Baum Frucht grün Psidium guajava Galerie Album Bilder Fotos